Wekelijks een lesje van ongeveer 30- 40 min
Vanuit de comfort van je eigen huis, werk, als pauze ;-)
Check het rooster & de mogelijkheden.
What is Yoga?
Yoga is not about being flexible :-)
Yoga is about showing up on your mat & in your daily life with no expectations of how it should go.
It's about not believing the labels like "too injured" or "too old" and finding a new way to be the best version of yourself.
Yoga is a lifestyle, a way of living, that goes beyond the mat, not an exercise program although, yoga has no judgement if you only want to use the poses to exercise.
Yoga is about discovering that those crazy thoughts in your head about why you "can't" or "shouldn't" are not true.
It is about slowing down and seeking something greater than yourself, the light within that already exists.
Yoga is more than what you wear or if you can do a handstand.
It's the @rt of living.
🤎Yoga asana is a way to help you to find your true Self again🌿
Real Yoga begins off the mat ;-)
🤎Yang (Active practice)
Focus on connecting movement with breath, intuitively, energetically with moon energy, a mix of hatha, vinyasa, kundalini.
🤍Yin (Relaxing practice)
Focus on fascia & slowing down & surrender & breath
~ Holding the poses longer to heal & restore (min 3 minutes)
-> GOAL OF YOGA = Balancing mind & body & Soul
Coming home to yourself
🤎Groepslessen Y O G A🤎
9u30 Pilates
19u Pilates
20u ZwangerschapsYoga Volzet
@ improve oostmalle
09u30 Yoga
18u00 Kids yoga
19u00 Yoga
20u00 yin Yoga
@ improve oostmalle
🤎Privélessen Y O G A🤎
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🤍Yogalessen bij jouw thuis, privé of groep of event🤍
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