Children & Food PART I
Everyone knows that healthy food & kids is a difficult combination, how do we fix this?
As a baby he ate everything! As a mommy I ate and eat everything, even when I was pregnant..... Now it comes, as a Health Coach it is difficult to be confronted with a child who does not want to eat everything :-(
How to fix this?
Well, I tried almost everything.....
But you know, forcing does not help.
And he is healthy and never sick, so....
Ok what to do, well I do Appreciate what he does eat such as:
* oatmeal for breakfast
* bread with vegan butter
* apples
* potatoes
* pasta
* soup
Trying to make these meals as healthy as possible.....
For instance:
-> If he likes french fries, I will make french fries fresh from normal potatoes - sweet potatoes- carrots- vegetables- ..... and bake them in a pan or oven with olive oil or cocos oil instead of fry them.
= variation in food
= healthy fresh home made food not fried
= Win Win = vegetables = vitamines = Happy Mom & Happy Kid :-)
-> Use Fresh Food!
-> Try to use your imagination & creativity
-> Do not give up!
-> Be a good example :-)
-> Give your child a reward after eating something healthy, this can be a dessert or extra mommy time....
-> Water is the best, so if you do not give your child soda drinks, you are on the right path.
-> Eliminate industrial sugars or try to give as less as possible!
-> Skip fake food, skip processed food & make "Table- Time" a priority!
-> Create cozyness & Fun
Yes you can!
Part I
I know you can do this.
Never give up.
It is your child, your responsibility and the behavior tells so much.
"You get what you eat"
You want a happy, calm, sweet child?
Give your child happy- healthy - fresh food!
The Reward is LOVE & Gratefulness
Reactie plaatsen
I like what you guys are up too. This kind of clever work and exposure! ceefdeeggecaaeec